Electricity Rates

Electricity rates have risen at an alarming rate over the last several years. A primary driver of this sharp increase in rates is wildfire mitigation investments. Electrification of the grid and increased emphasis on electric vehicles and infrastructure will also drive rates. A large near-term cost driver is natural gas.
The CPUC has projected that by 2030, bundled residential electric rates are forecasted to be approximately 40% (PG&E), 20% (SCE), and 70% (SDG&E) higher than they would have been from 2013 rates if they had grown at the rate of inflation. Non-residential rates will likely follow or exceed this trend.
CAFB remains engaged in General Rate Case Phase 1 and Phase 2 proceedings as well as increased participation in Wildfire Mitigation Plans and other wildfire spending applications.
Specific Agricultural rate information can be found at:
PG&E: Agricultural Customers Know your rate plan options (pge.com)
SCE: Agriculture & Pumping | Rates | Your Business | Home - SCE
SDG&E: Steps to Selecting the Best Pricing Plan | San Diego Gas & Electric (sdge.com)